This page provides additional information to better understand the capabilities of the CERTES GROUP. Included here is a short white paper on Product Lifecycle Management and a few case studies.


Case Studies
"e-Services" " Internet " " Software " " Systems "


Article on the founding of TENET and the design of the TENET 210 computer

"Starting TENET, Full Version"



Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)




Organizational stress and rapid change brought on by broader product lines and increasing competition, complexity, and customer expectations have caused many companies to become bogged down by long, painful product cycles that fail to meet goals. Some industry sources estimate that product development project failures are running as high as 50%.

The bottom line impact of these failures can be staggering. Industry sources estimate poor quality costs the average US manufacturer 15-20% of sales. Studies show being late to market by six months reduces the five-year profits of a product as much as 33%; being over budget by 50% with on-time delivery, however, reduces profits less than 4%. How is your team doing in coping with these conditions? Are your development teams and projects characterized by any of the following conditions?


You are not alone if you are encountering some of these problems. We have seen various combinations of these characteristics in many companies. These problems do not need to be overwhelming. There are techniques and approaches that are quite effective in providing workable solutions to these problems. They can be readily adapted to a specific situation and do not need to incur a lot of overhead.




Your company needs the certainty of attaining marketing, financial and technical goals with its product programs. Individuals contributing to the programs need experiences they would willingly repeat on future programs - autonomy and freedom from bureaucracy, cooperation, communications, support, flexibility to make rapid mid-course corrections to meet goals, and the satisfaction of winning.

Real-world experiences with start-up, growth and transitional organizations have taught us a lot about what it takes to produce successful products. Working harder is only part of the answer. It is also necessary to work smarter, and this requires a company wide way of thinking, behaving, and executing. Some characteristics of 'working smart' are:




The CERTES GROUP can help establish a smart mode of operation. We blend marketing, operational, and technical management experiences to provide a corporate view to managing all phases of the life cycle - idea, feasibility, development, introduction, and maintenance/support. With a global, top management perspective we area able to work with personnel throughout an organization to review its current needs, design pragmatic programs to meet those needs, implement them in pilot tests, and guide them through general deployment. Complementary hands-on experiences allow us to zoom in on the details and ask the right questions when required.

The programs recommended are unique to specific circumstances and directed to solving specific problems. Based on the organization's values, environment, methods and procedures, skill sets, and the resources available, they will address any and/or all aspects of the product life cycle - from the product idea to the delivery:

The client's staff will generally carry out the implementation. We participate as advisors, facilitators or hands-on managers to achieve optimal product life cycle results. Whether formulating and initiating new product programs or revitalizing existing ones we are dedicated to the client's success, the success of their people, and to their self-sufficiency.




A properly applied PLM process uses pragmatic solutions customized to your specific needs to achieve tangible bottom line results. Adopting a low overhead PLM process can significantly improve your operations by:

We can help you achieve the confidence and certainty of being in control and to develop the skills and experiences that can be applied to future programs.


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Internet Case Study



The founding team's business model of selling banner ads with the delivery of Yellow Pages was not meeting goals and the company needed to be re-started with a new business model.



CERTES GROUP was engaged to replace the COO and build the operations team required to execute the new business plan.


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Software Case Study



The founders of this privately held software company wanted to change the focus of the company from custom software development to standard products for popular industry platforms, but needed assistance in making the transition.



CERTES GROUP was engaged to analyze existing sales/marketing teams, define changes to them, and provide the VP Marketing role.


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e-Services Case Study



A domestic company with a wholly owned offshore subsidiary in SE Asia needed an experienced management team to secure funding and provide the management skills of running a distributed, multi-cultural organization.



CERTES GROUP was engaged by the Board of Directors to provide the President/COO role, help secure financing, and move the company out of its startup phase.


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Systems Case Study



Company had tentative agreement with partner to build proprietary hardware and software for a secure, information metering application, but needed additional study before committing to permanent staffing.



CERTES GROUP was engaged to provide Program/Project management services during the incubation period.


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